Verified BYEU Review by Casey-Lee Cochrane

Build Your Empire University
2 min readOct 21, 2021


My name is Casey, I’m from the Pilbara in WA. Before I signed up I wasn’t too sure what Build Your Empire University was all about. I had my doubt because I was scared to jump into something new but that’s exactly what I needed in my life.

I signed up to the $1 trial and started watching the training videos and I very quickly learnt how Build Your Empire University was going to help me get to where I want to be in life & to finally get to those goals I’ve had set for so long but couldn’t quiet just reach.

From my perception at the start before paying the $1 was super sceptical compared to my perception of BYEU now. Now all I can see is my future goals actually being achievable because of this platform. I feel so much closer to getting what I want out of life, like there’s actually a light at the end of tunnel.

One thing that I get to take away from Build Your Empire University is that I get that extra income to put towards my goals instead of just my bills without working so damn hard for it & always missing out on the things that make us happy in life.



Build Your Empire University

The Build Your Empire University is the all in one platform suitable for complete novices to experts to learn how to create a legitimate online career.